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NGVAmerica State Legislative and Regulatory Notes

This past week was a busy one for state legislatures as many legislatures are looking to finish out sessions that end in early spring, which resulted in the introduction of several new incentive bills.  One bill that did become law is House Bill 443, which was signed by Mississippi Governor Bryant.  HB 443 makes the diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) the method of sale for LNG.

Last week, NGVAmerica reported that Oklahoma officials are currently conducting a rulemaking to adopt the DGE for LNG and CNG.  Georgia’s Department of Agriculture is similarly conducting a rulemaking to adopt the DGE as the method of sale for CNG and LNG.  More details on Georgia’s rulemaking are available here.  If Georgia and Oklahoma finalize their rules this year it would bring to eight the number of states that recognize the DGE for method of sale for natural gas. All states recognize GGE for CNG sales.  See related article “NCWM Publication 16 Includes Diesel Gallon Equivalent as Voting Item” this week on the status of National Conference of Weights and Measures consideration of this issue.

More details will be provided on the newly introduced incentive bills when they become law.  NGVAmerica members can find out more about these bills by logging on to the NGV Policy Portal.