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California Energy Commission Announces $1.5 Million for CNG Infrastructure

The California Energy Commission Program Opportunity Notice PON-14-608 has issued a competitive solicitation to school districts and other public entities to fund projects that establish or expand infrastructure necessary to store, distribute and dispense CNG for use in NGVs. A total of $1.5 million is available under this solicitation. The maximum award for each agreement under this solicitation is $500,000 for public K-12 school districts and $250,000 for other public entities. To be eligible for this solicitation, project must be located in California and be either new CNG fueling infrastructure or an upgrade to existing CNG infrastructure. Matching funds are not required from school districts. Other public entities must provide a minimum match of 25 percent of the total allowable project costs. There is a pre-application workshop that will be held April 1, 2015. The deadline to submit applications is June 11, 2015.

For more information, visit the PON website here, or contact Kevyn Piper at 916.654.4845 or